Thursday, July 31, 2014

Democrats Dogged By Racist, Sexist Tweets From Campaign Staffers

By Brendan Bordelon, Jul. 30, 2014,

Democrat Kevin Strouse’s congressional campaign in Pennsylvania sent out an email blast on Tuesday showcasing the personal story of a young field organizer — but failed to notice racist and bigoted tweets on that staffer’s Twitter account before making her a public face in the campaign.

It’s the second time in less than two weeks that people working for Democratic House candidates have been caught with offensive content on their Twitter accounts — an unusual situation that political pros believe points to a Democratic disinterest in vetting campaign staff.

Strouse, who is angling to unseat House Republican Mike Fitzpatrick from Pennsylvania’s 8th congressional district, unveiled a new blog last Thursday with a story written by the field organizer in question. That post was then sent out in an email blast to supporters on Tuesday.

Because the employee was between 17 and 18 years old when the tweets were posted and did not work for Strouse at that time, The Daily Caller has chosen not to reveal her identity. But the tweets themselves point to a serious lack of judgment — both on her part and on the Democratic candidate’s decision to make her a integral part of his outreach campaign.

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Bill Clinton On 9/10/01: ‘I Could Have Killed’ Bin Laden

Former President Bill Clinton
By Tristyn Bloom, Jul. 31, 2014,

Just hours before the planes crashed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, former president Bill Clinton was in Australia telling businessmen that he “could have killed” Osama Bin Laden during his presidency, but chose not to, MSNBC reports.

“I nearly got him,” he says on newly-released recordings of the September 10 meeting. “And I could have killed him, but I would have to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him. And so I didn’t do it.” (RELATED: Bill Clinton Sent Handwritten Note To al-Qaida Mosque)

Michael Kroger, one of the businessmen in the meeting who released the recording on Wednesday, said the audio had simply been forgotten about until now.

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Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Goofs And Accidentally Tells The Truth About The President

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Why Is Israel So "Unreasonable"?

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New IRS Emails: Lois Lerner Called Conservatives "A--holes"

Lois G. Lerner
By S.A. Miller, Jul. 30, 2014,

Lois G. Lerner, the former Internal Revenue Service official at the center of the tea party targeting scandal, expressed contempt for conservatives and called them “a—holes” in newly discovered emails, fueling a drive by House Republicans for a special counsel to investigate the tax agency.

The email was among a batch of evidence that House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp, Michigan Republican, turned over Wednesday to the Justice Department in support of an investigation into criminal wrongdoing at the IRS.

In the Nov. 9, 2012, email exchange from Ms. Lerner’s official IRS email account, she demonstrates “deep animus towards conservatives, which she refers to as “–holes,” Mr. Camp said.

In other emails, Ms. Lerner appeared to refer to conservatives as “crazies.”

“Despite the serious investigation and evidence this committee has undertaken into the IRS’s targeting of individuals for their beliefs, there is no indication that [the Justice Department] is taking this matter seriously,” Mr. Camp said in a letter to the department. “In light of this new information, I hope DOJ will aggressively pursue this case and finally appoint a special counsel, so the full truth can be revealed and justice is served.”

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Obama's Economic "Stimulus" Plan Finally Kicks In

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Cruz Urges House To Vote Against Boehner Immigration Bill

Sen. Ted Cruz
By Robert Costa, Jul. 30, 2014,

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), an influential tea party leader, will meet with a group of House Republicans Wednesday to urge them to oppose House Speaker John A. Boehner’s plan to stem the flow of migrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border, according to several House members who plan to attend the 7 p.m. gathering at Cruz’s office.

Cruz’s huddle is the latest example of the combative freshman senator wading into House affairs and serving as an informal whip against the leadership’s immigration position. It is also a direct shot at Boehner’s effort to pass his legislative package, hours before the bill is scheduled to come to the House floor on Thursday.

On Friday, the House adjourns for a five-week recess, leaving Boehner little time to cobble together the votes necessary to pass his proposal. “I think there is sufficient support in the House,” Boehner (R-Ohio) said after a meeting of the House Republican Conference on Tuesday. But he added, “We have a little more work to do.”

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27 Reasons To Oppose Boehner's Border Bill

By Conn Carroll, Jul. 30, 2014,

Capitol Hill conservatives are not happy with Speaker John Boehner's (R-OH) $659 million response to the unfolding humanitarian crisis at the Texas-Mexico border. They are circulating a series of memos, including the one pasted below, detailing why the Boehner bill will fail to solve the problem.

From the memo:

  • The bill does not address the cause of the problem – the president’s unlawful policies, particularly DACA.
  • The bill does not actually require the president to do anything – the only thing it guarantees is that the president will get the money he requested.
  • The bill appropriates money through 2015, creating a built-in budget cliff that might require Congress to reauthorize this bill, and tracks the amount of spending ($3.7B) in the president’s request.
Further Complicates Trafficking Law
  • The bill appears to abolish voluntary return for UACs.
  • Under current law, UACs from contiguous countries are subject to voluntary return, which can be accomplished by Border Patrol in as little as one day.
  • Thus, the bill appears to put the majority – if not all – in the new court proceedings, where they are permitted to withdraw their application for admission to the U.S. at any time “in the discretion of the Attorney General.”
  • The bill creates a new seven-day court proceeding for all UACs in which an immigration judge determines whether a UAC has a claim for immigration relief.
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Victor Davis Hanson: Obama And The Road Not Taken 

President Barack Obama
By Victor Davis Hanson, Jul. 31, 2014,

The Obama administration often denies any responsibility for the current global chaos or claims that it erupted spontaneously. Yet most of the mess was caused by, or made worse by, growing U.S. indifference and paralysis.

Over the last five and a half years, America has had lots of clear choices, but the administration usually took the path of least short-term trouble, which has ensured long-term hardship.

There was no need to "reset" the relatively mild punishments that the George W. Bush administration had accorded Vladimir Putin's Russia for invading Georgia in 2008. By unilaterally normalizing relations with Russia and trashing Bush, Barack Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton only green-lighted further Russian aggression that has now spread to Crimea and Ukraine.

There was no need for Obama, almost immediately upon assuming office, to distance the U.S. from Israel by criticizing Israel's policies and warming to its enemies, such as authoritarian Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan and Hamas.

Any time Israel's enemies have glimpsed growing distance in the U.S.-Israeli friendship, they seek only to pry it still wider. We see just that with terrorists in Gaza who launch hundreds of missiles into Israel on the expectation that the U.S. will broker a favorable deal that finds both sides equally at fault.

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War On Women? AG Holder Sues Police For Treating Women as Equals

Attorney General Eric Holder
By Michael Schaus, Jul. 31, 2014,

Forget about that phony IRS scandal… The DOJ apparently has a real problem to handle. The Pennsylvania State Police are being sued by Eric “The Extortionist” Holder for alleged sexual discrimination. No, the Penn police didn’t do anything as egregious as force women to pay for their own birth-control; but apparently it was enough to persuade the DOJ to file a lawsuit. The offense: Women are being held to the same standards as their male counterparts!

Apparently, requiring all candidates to pass the same standard physical fitness test is sexist. See, women are having a tough time passing the test – and this is obviously by design. According to the DOJ lawsuit:

“Through the use of these physical fitness tests, Defendants have engaged in a pattern or practice of employment discrimination against women in [Pennsylvania State Police's] selection process for entry-level trooper positions in violation of Title VII [of the Civil Rights Act of 1964].”

Those chauvinist creeps in Pennsylvania: How dare they expect a woman to be able to do a man’s work! Wait a minute… Is that really the problem here? The DOJ is suing a state police force, because they expect their female cadets to complete the same minimum requirements as men? Whoa. Maybe we should make a separate test for women that treats them as equals. I mean heck, it worked for race relations in Democrat controlled states in the 1960s, right?

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Sheila Jackson Lee Caught In Blatant Lie About Dems’ Attempt To Impeach Bush

By Katherine Miller, Jul. 30, 2014,

Texas Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee argued Wednesday the Republican effort to sue President Obama is nothing but a veiled attempt to impeach him — something Democrats never did to President George W. Bush:

I ask my colleagues to oppose this resolution for it is in fact a veiled attempt at impeachment and it undermines the law that allows a president to do his job. A historical fact: President Bush pushed this nation into a war that had little to do with apprehending terrorists. We did not seek an impeachment of President Bush, because as an executive, he had his authority. President Obama has the authority.

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FLASHBACK: Rep Shelia Jackson Lee (D-Tx) Holds Hearing on Impeachment Of President GWB

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Urdu Dictionary Dropped By Smuggler In Texas

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Jonathan Gruber, the architect of both
Romneycare and Obamacare
By Larry Elder, Jul. 31, 2014

Last week, by 2-1 vote, a Washington, D.C., appellate panel ruled that the Obama administration unlawfully changed Obamacare. Meanwhile, on the same day, on the same question, a panel from the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the other way. This issue is headed for the Supreme Court.

Michael Cannon, director of health policy studies at the Cato Institute, is -- according to CNBC -- the "intellectual godfather" of what is perhaps Obamacare's most serious court challenge. Cannon says when Congress drafted Obamacare, they made it clear: Tax credits, grants and other subsidies would be available only to those enrollees who sign up via state-funded exchanges.

Right after the appellate court decision, Cannon told me; "The way the [ACA] law works ... and it's all there in black and white, the statute gives states the ability to veto certain parts of the law's regulatory scheme, including the subsidies that shift from enrollees in the health insurance exchanges the cost of their very expensive insurance ... to the taxpayers. That's what those subsidies are there for, to shift those costs from the enrollee to the taxpayer. States have the power to veto those subsidies, and all they have to do is not cooperate -- not implement the law by creating a health insurance exchange or doing other things."

But only 14 states agreed to set up their own exchanges. So Obama simply picked up his pen and rewrote the law to give the tax credits to the federal exchange as well.

Cannon says: "So what these lawsuits are about is the people who are being injured by that decision by the administration -- the people who are being subject to those taxes, those penalties, even though they are by law exempt, saying, no, wait a second, what you are doing here is illegal. The law is clear; you don't have the authority to implement those provisions where states have vetoed them. Congress gave states that power. If you want to call this a glitch, you can call it a glitch, but it's a glitch that has to be fixed by Congress, because that's who writes the laws in this country -- not the IRS, not the executive. If you want to fix the law, go back to Congress."

Defenders of the administration's decision claim that Congress actually just made a boo-boo, a drafting error, an unintentional mistake by not giving the fed exchange the same benefits. And therefore Obama's interpretation is simply following the intention of Congress.

But Jonathan Gruber, the architect of both Romneycare and Obamacare, admitted in early 2012 that Congress wanted credits to go only to state exchanges, and the feds used this as an inducement to "squeeze" the states into setting up their own state-run exchanges: "The federal government has been sort of slow in putting out its [health insurance exchange] backstop, I think, partly because they want to sort of squeeze the states to do it. I think what's important to remember politically about this is if you're a state and you don't set up an exchange, that means your citizens don't get their tax credits. But your citizens still pay the taxes that support this bill. So you're essentially saying to your citizens you're going to pay all the taxes to help all the other states in the country."

A week earlier, Gruber said: "By not setting up an exchange, the politicians of a state are costing state residents hundreds and millions and billions of dollars. ... That is really the ultimate threat, is, will people understand that, gee, if your governor doesn't set up an exchange, you're losing hundreds of millions of dollars of tax credits to be delivered to your citizens."

Flash forward, and once the appellate panel decisions came in, Gruber changed his tune: "We can go to the people who wrote it and say did you ever intend this as a poison pill or is it a typo every single one says it's a typo? And every single one of them will say this is just a typo. So there is no mystery here."

And three days later, Gruber was confronted with his 2012 statements that subsidies are tied to state exchanges. His explanation? Gruber said: "I was speaking off the cuff. It was just a mistake. My subsequent statement was just a speak-o -- you know, like a typo."

Expect SCOTUS again to come down 5-4. But this time Justice Roberts will get it right. As Cannon put it: "This is not a constitutional challenge to the law. It's not asking any court to strike down the law. It's actually asking them to uphold the law."

Respected leftwing law professor Laurence Tribe, who once taught Obama, supports Obama's action. But he concedes that the administration faces an uphill battle. "I don't have a crystal ball," said Tribe. "But I wouldn't bet the family farm on this coming out in a way that preserves Obamacare."
American Leftwing Anti-Israel Bias

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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Bloomberg Anti-Gun Ad Makes You Want To Go Out And Buy A Gun

New York News

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By Larry Elder

By Larry Elder, Jul. 30, 2014

When former long-time Los Angeles City Councilman Richard Alarcon, and his wife, were found guilty on voter fraud and perjury charges, local publications, of course, were all over the story.

After all, the one-time assistant to five-term Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, Alarcon served for years in the California State Senate, the State Assembly, and Los Angeles City Council. But the one-time L.A. mayoral candidate was charged with voter fraud and perjury, accused of illegally living outside of his district and lying about his true residence.

The Los Angeles Times, the Daily News and the Los Angeles Business Journal all reported on his conviction. But none -- not one -- of the three publications, at least in their online editions, noted Alarcon's party affiliation: Democrat.

Look at the L.A. Times. Its headline reads: "Former councilman Richard Alarcon, wife guilty of voter fraud, perjury." In an article with 11 paragraphs, the paper could not find the space to squeeze in even a tiny little reference to his party.

Now contrast this with an L.A. Times article about the conviction of former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, a Republican. The headline and sub-headline refer to Delay's Republican affiliation -- twice. "Former House Majority Leader Tom Delay convicted of money laundering: The Republican was accused of conspiring to funnel $190,000 in donations to GOP candidates in Texas in 2002 elections. He faces five to 99 years in prison, plus two to 20 years for a conspiracy count.”

The short, 12-paragraph body of the article manages to mention Delay’s “Republican” affiliation:

Republican U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay … was accused of conspiring to illegally funnel $190,000 in corporate campaign donations to Republican candidates. …

“In 1994, DeLay was part of the "Republican revolution" that won control of the House for the first time in 40 years. He then got the job of House majority whip, making him the chamber's third-ranking Republican. …

“DeLay resigned from the House in 2006 after being linked to Jack Abramoff, a former Republican lobbyist snared in a federal investigation of influence peddling on Capitol Hill. Two of DeLay's former aides pleaded guilty to corruption. DeLay denied any wrongdoing. …

“During the 2006 congressional election, Democrats criticized DeLay's actions, saying that they illustrated a pattern of corruption in the Republican-led Congress. Democrats won the 2006 election and took back control of Congress.”

Count them.

In addition to the two headline references to the Republican Party, the article cites DeLay's party or his interaction with another "Republican" six additional times.

The most charitable Alarcon explanation is this. California has so few Republicans, none elected statewide, that Democrats are the only ones left around here to corrupt.

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President Obama's Ramadan Slap At Muslims

By Salam Al-Marayati, Jul. 28, 2014,

(CNN) – Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush all met with American Muslims, as they did with most other religious groups.

President Barack Obama, under advice from his aides that association with Muslims is politically damaging, has yet to invite American Muslim organizations and leaders into the Oval Office for substantive discussions on domestic and international policies.

Yes, Muslims from all over the country accepted a White House invitation to attend the Iftar dinner earlier this month with the President to break our fast, to break bread, and to build bridges of understanding.

In Ramadan, a month for spiritual replenishment in the Islamic calendar, an estimated 1.5 billion Muslims around the world perform an obligatory fast from predawn to sunset for the purpose of purifying one’s soul through prayer and self-sacrifice.

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Whoopi Defends Stephen A Smith’s Comments: 'If You Hit a Man, Don’t Be Surprised if He Hits Back'

By Yesha Callahan, Jul. 29, 2014,

Whoopi Goldberg is quickly becoming an advocate for men who inflict domestic violence upon women. You may recall back in May, during the Solange Knowles-and-Jay Z elevator fight, that Goldberg said Jay Z had every right to hit Solange back.

“I think Solange was quite ready for him to do whatever he was going to do,” Goldberg said. “This is the thing: If anybody hits you, you have the right—I know that many people are raised in a very different way—but if a woman hits you, to me, you have the right to hit her back.”

Now Goldberg is singing the same song, but to the tune of a different celebrity caught up in his own domestic violence comments.

Last Friday, during an episode of ESPN’s First Take, Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless had a heated debate over the Baltimore Ravens’ suspension of Ray Rice for two games. Many people felt the suspension was too lenient, especially since video captured Rice dragging his then-fiancee, Janay Palmer, out of an elevator unconscious.

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Related: Stephen A. Smith: A Woman Should Not Provoke A Man Into Striking Her
--Days later, he apologized

Related: Stephen A. Smith Apologizes For 'Provoke" Remark --Calls it most "egregious error" of career

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Stephen A. Smith Apologizes For 'Provoke" Remark

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Stephen A. Smith: A Woman Should Not Provoke A Man Into Striking Her

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WHITES NEED NOT APPLY: Black Leaders In Fresno Oppose White ‘Cultural Studies’ Teacher

By Eric Owens, Jul. 29, 2014,

Black community leaders in Fresno, Calif., are urging the Fresno Unified School District to re-evaluate the hiring of a white guy to teach three cultural studies courses at a brand-new middle school that will overwhelmingly serve minority students.

Rutherford B. Gaston Middle School — named after the city’s first black principal — will open in a few short weeks. It’s the first middle school in the immediate, poverty-ridden vicinity since 1979.

The protesters are unhappy because the school has chosen to hire Peter Beck, a person with white skin, over other, unidentified candidates, The Fresno Bee reports.

Beck will teach African-American studies, Latino studies and Southeast Asian studies.

On Monday morning, a small band of activists showed up in front of the sparkling new school at the corner of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Church Avenue. The local press was also there.

“We’re just saying what the community wants,” said Rev. Karen Crozier, one of the activists. “We didn’t fight for a white male or female teacher to educate our babies.”

Crozier, who appears to be a professor at Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary, also suggested that a white person cannot teach minority children in this instance because of racism.

“We still are at these racial fault lines, and we want someone who will be able to think critically about those racial fault lines and how do we help heal, to restore the problems that have existed,” she explained.

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Krauthammer: Amnesty Exec Order An Impeachable Offense--But 'Political Suicide'

By NRO Staff, Jul. 29, 2014,

Talk of impeachment is a “concoction of Democrats,” but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a grander strategy by the White House and its congressional allies, Charles Krauthammer warned.

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Illegal Immigration - Documentarian Exposes Realty Of Border Crisis

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UCLA Flooded, ABC 7 Gets Pranked

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(VERY GRAPHIC) ISIS Creates A Literal River Of Human Blood By Butchering 1500

By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat, Jul. 29, 2014,

ISIS just released a video showing what they claim are Iraq’s Army POWs captured by ISIS, driven away in truck loads and then shot them all dead. The video caption stated that there were 1,500 individuals. The video shows their end being shot at point blank in several horrific mass slaughters reminiscent to what we see during Nazi Germany. The young teens begged for their lives as they were made to curse Al-Maliki but to no avail while they were forced to chant “long live the Muslim nation”. were the first to discover the video:

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Paying Ransoms, Europe Bankrolls Qaeda Terror

Items saved by Harald Ickler, a Swede living
 in Germany, from his 54 days as a hostage in 2003. 
By Rukmini Callimach, Jul. 29, 2014,

BAMAKO, Mali — The cash filled three suitcases: 5 million euros.

The German official charged with delivering this cargo arrived here aboard a nearly empty military plane and was whisked away to a secret meeting with the president of Mali, who had offered Europe a face-saving solution to a vexing problem.

Officially, Germany had budgeted the money as humanitarian aid for the poor, landlocked nation of Mali.

In truth, all sides understood that the cash was bound for an obscure group of Islamic extremists who were holding 32 European hostages, according to six senior diplomats directly involved in the exchange.

The suitcases were loaded onto pickup trucks and driven hundreds of miles north into the Sahara, where the bearded fighters, who would soon become an official arm of Al Qaeda, counted the money on a blanket thrown on the sand. The 2003 episode was a learning experience for both sides. Eleven years later, the handoff in Bamako has become a well-rehearsed ritual, one of dozens of such transactions repeated all over the world.

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DWP Defends Response To UCLA Flood, Crews Had To Find Valve

By James Queally, Larry Gordon and Caitlin Owens, Jul. 29, 2014,

A top Los Angeles utility official faced tough questions Tuesday night about the response to a massive pipe break that flooded UCLA and surrounding areas with millions of gallons of water and threatened the near-term use of Pauley Pavilion.

The rupture of the 90-year-old main sent a geyser shooting 30 feet in the air and deluged Sunset Boulevard and UCLA with 8 million to 10 million gallons of water before it was shut off more than three hours after the pipe burst, city officials said.

The huge break blanketed parts of the campus with water and mud, leaving school officials with a daunting cleanup task. City officials said they had not determined what caused the 30-inch-diameter pipe to burst.

Motorists were urged to avoid Sunset Boulevard on Wednesday morning because crews would be still be repairing the line.

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Top Secret Hamas Command Bunker In Gaza Revealed

By Staff Notes, Jul. 29, 2014,

The idea that one of Hamas’ main command bunkers is located beneath Shifa Hospital in Gaza City is one of the worst-kept secrets of the Gaza war. So why aren’t reporters in Gaza ferreting it out? The precise location of a large underground bunker equipped with sophisticated communications equipment and housing some part of the leadership of a major terrorist organization beneath a major hospital would seem to qualify as a world-class scoop—the kind that might merit a Pulitzer, or at least a Polk.

So why isn’t the fact that Hamas uses Shifa Hospital as a command post making headlines? In part, it’s because the location is so un-secret that Hamas regularly meets with reporters there. On July 15, for example, William Booth of the Washington Post wrote that the hospital “has become a de facto headquarters for Hamas leaders, who can be seen in the hallways and offices.” Back in 2006, PBS even aired a documentary showing how gunmen roam the halls of the hospital, intimidate the staff, and deny them access to protected locations within the building—where the camera crew was obviously prohibited from filming. Yet the confirmation that Hamas is using Gaza City’s biggest hospital as its de facto headquarters was made in the last sentence of the eighth paragraph of Booth’s story—which would appear to be the kind of rookie mistake that is known in journalistic parlance as “burying the lede.”

But Booth is no rookie—he’s an experienced foreign reporter, which means that he buried the lede on purpose. Why? Well, one reason might be that the “security sources” quoted whenever the location of the Hamas command bunker is mentioned—which, as evidenced by this 2009 article by the excellent and highly experienced foreign correspondent Steven Erlanger of the New York Times, happens every time there’s a war in Gaza—are obviously Israelis, not members of Hamas. It might be hard to believe the Israelis, the simple logic might run, since they obviously have an investment in arguing that Hamas is using hospitals and schools as human shields.

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Male Rowers Get Naked to Fight Homophobia--But Facebook Censors Female Rowers

By Nate Jones, Jul. 29, 2014,

As they have every year since 2009, the rowing team at England's Warwick University has gotten naked to raise money for an anti-homophobia charity. 

The rowers have stripped down to produce an annual nude calendar, the proceeds of which will benefit Sport Allies, an organization that aims to combat homophobia and transphobia through the power of sports. 

In its five years of existence, the project has proven to be a valuable fundraiser, selling over 15,000 copies in its last edition. A large part of this success is due to the crew team's enviable physiques, but just as important is the calendar's tasteful adherence to the Austin Powers rule of nudity: All the rowers, even the coxswains, are just barely covered up in the crucial areas.

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Smugglers, Rainstorm Combine To Poke Holes In Border Fence

U.S. / Mexico Border
AP Photo / Nogales International, Jonathan Clark
By Stephen Dinan, Jul. 28, 2014,

A rainstorm knocked over part of the border fence in Arizona this weekend, even as smugglers were cutting their way through another part of the fence less than a few miles away — leaving a hole big enough to drive a vehicle through, according to the Nogales International.

Contractors were using blow torches to patch the fence Monday, the paper reported — but the reporter said there didn’t appear to be any special precautions taken to step up patrols near the breach.

“Border walls obviously aren’t working,” said Dan Millis, borderlands program coordinator for the Grand Canyon Chapter of the Sierra Club. “Instead they just cause problems with flooding, fragment habitat and block wildlife migration corridors. It’s time for real solutions.”

The rains caused a 60-foot section of the wall to fall over after floodwaters backed up on one side, he said.

After previous flooding, authorities cut holes in a number of places in the border fence in Arizona. But the gates in Nogales were apparently closed during the recent storm.

Authorities have also regularly had to defend against smugglers who have found ways to circumvent or defeat the fences — including building ramps over it, tunneling under it or, in the case of this weekend, cutting a hole in it.

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