Thursday, October 9, 2014

Attends 32K Fundraiser Hosted By Billionaire Rich Richman -You're kidding?

Obama Hits GOP As Party Of Billionaires

By Francesca Chambers, Oct. 8, 2014,

President Barack Obama chided the Republican Party for catering to the 'interests of billionaires' in an email to supporters on Tuesday, then attended a series of high-dollar fundraisers, including one at real estate mogul Rich Richman's house.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee fundraiser at Richman's house in Greenwich, Connecticut, cost as much as $32,400 a person, according to the White House.

The other two events, held in New York and sponsored by the Democratic National Committee, cost between $1,000 and $32,400 to attend.

As Obama was yucking it up with wealthy Democratic donors, he sent out a fundraising email slamming the GOP for being in the pocket of billionaires, the Washington Times reports.

'If the Republicans win, we know who they’ll be fighting for,' Obama allegedly wrote. 'Once again, the interests of billionaires will come before the needs of the middle class.'

The president opined in the email that 'Republican groups are spending massive sums against us.'

At the fundraisers Obama did not discuss Republican representatives' loyalties, but he did plead with donors to elect Democrats in November if they want to see changes to the immigration system, paid family leave, repairs to the country's infrastructure and an increase in the federal minimum wage.

'We have achieved so much but we still have so much to do,' Obama told attendees of the DNC event in New York. 'So far, we can't get Republicans to cooperate.'

The president told his audience that despite Republican obstructionism in Congress, his administration has had a number of successes, as well.

'The reason you don't hear about them is they elicit hope,' he said. 'They're good news.'

The cynical media doesn't like to promote good news, he argued.

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