By Andrew Johnson, Aug. 24, 2014,
The United States needs to take the threat of the Islamic State more seriously than the “JV team” characterization President Obama gave the group in an interview earlier this year, according to Senator Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.). He warned of a potential attack within American borders, especially in light of recent intelligence that Americans citizens are working with the group.
“Do they have the capability to hit the homeland? I would say yes — it’s about time now to assume the worst about these guys rather than underestimating them,” Graham said on CNN’s State of the Union. “They’re in competition with the other jihadist groups, and the gold medal will be awarded to the group that can hit America.”
A successful hit on American soil would increase the Islamic State’s status and attract more recruits to the terrorist organization, he explained.
I get it. You get it. Millions of Americans get it. So why don't Rep & Dems get it about our precious country being vulnerable and threatened more than any time in history, and get rid of Ovomit? Regardless of one's political sway, we must come together and get rid of the one who is making us a sitting duck in the world's ocean.