Tuesday, September 2, 2014

No nat'l news

Near Ferguson: Last of 3 Defendants Admits To Murder Of Pizza Delivery Driver In Hillsdale

Shermell Crockett (left) and Daniil Maksimenko
Source:  www.stltoday.com
By Kim Bell, Aug. 22, 2014, Stltoday.com

CLAYTON • The last of three men charged with killing an Imo’s pizza delivery driver in Hillsdale has pleaded guilty.

Shermell A. Crockett, 22, admitted his role Thursday in St. Louis County Circuit Court in the 2012 death of Daniil Maksimenko. Crockett pleaded guilty of second-degree murder, first-degree robbery and two counts of armed criminal action.

Crockett entered a “blind plea,” which means no plea deal was reached with prosecutors and Crockett is at the mercy of Judge Thea Sherry at sentencing Oct. 8.

Maksimenko, 22, of Ballwin, had stopped his car to make a delivery in the 2200 block of Erick Avenue in Hillsdale when he was ambushed about 12:45 a.m. on May 19, 2012. Court records say he was robbed at gunpoint only of the pizza when he was fatally shot. Maksimenko had worked for the Imo’s franchise in Northwoods for about three years.

Crockett lives in the 2100 block of Rosebud Avenue in north St. Louis County.

Crockett has prior convictions for stealing a motor vehicle, burglary, theft and resisting arrest.

Crockett was one of three men charged with second-degree murder in Maksimenko’s death. Police questioned a fourth man and released him without charges, saying no other suspects were sought.

Read the full story:  www.stltoday.com

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