Sunday, August 17, 2014

Solution to "militarization"--CCW's!

ARISE Stages Demonstration In Springfield To Protest Ferguson Shooting, Racism, Police Militarization

People hold signs on State Street on Thursday 

afternoon in Springfield to 
protest the events of Ferguson, MO. 
Credit: Dave Roback / The Republican
By Patrick Johnson, Aug. 15, 2014,

SPRINGFIELD — People from Western Massachusetts on Thursday night took to the streets of Springfield to protest what they called an injustice 1,100 miles away in Ferguson, Missouri.

In a demonstration at the intersection of State, Federal and Walnut streets, protesters held signs and chanted, while passing motorists blared their horns in support. Roughly 20 people positioned themselves at each of the four corners and on the two traffic islands at the intersection.

The demonstration, planned by the Springfield-based organization ARISE For Social Justice, was called to protest not only the shooting death of Michael Brown, an 18-year-old black man, by police in Ferguson, but also to protest what they called heavy-handed militarized tactics used by police to quell the civilian protests that have sprung up in the wake of Brown’s death.

“If it can happen there, it can happen anywhere,” said Ellen Graves, the Peace and Anti-Violence Organizer for ARISE. “It can happen anywhere."

Brown, who was due to start his freshman year at college, was shot and killed Saturday by a police officer after the officer told him and a friend to use the sidewalk instead of walking in the road.

Read the full story:

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