Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Rats deserting sinking ship with 2yrs left

Axelrod Swipes At Hillary Clinton Over Iraq

David Axelrod
Source:  www.theblaze.com
By Maggie Haberman, Aug. 12, 2014, Politico.com

David Axelrod, the longtime top adviser to President Barack Obama, has taken to Twitter to slam Hillary Clinton in the wake of her comments rejecting the core of the Obama administration’s self-described foreign policy principle.

In an interview with The Atlantic, Clinton said the White House doctrine of “Don’t do stupid stuff” is “not an organizing principle.”

As a senator during the presidency of George W. Bush, Clinton voted to authorize the use of force in Iraq, a vote that played a major role in costing her the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008.“Just to clarify: ‘Don’t do stupid stuff’ means stuff like occupying Iraq in the first place, which was a tragically bad decision,” read the tweet from Axelrod. He declined to expound on the tweet when reached via email by POLITICO.

Although Clinton has always been more hawkish than Obama, her comments to The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg were widely taken as an attempted calibration away from the increasingly unpopular president as she ponders a second White House run.

Axelrod’s astonishing public swipe at Clinton revealed the extent to which Obama allies are furious over her interview, in which the former secretary of state also allied herself tightly with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and called Obama’s decision to not assist Syrian rebels early on a “failure.”

Several sources close to the White House described Obama aides as angered by Clinton’s critiques. Her team had warned them the interview was coming, but it also landed as the president is grappling with a string of global crises.

Read more:  www.politico.com

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1 comment:

  1. He's got a nerve. He and his follow rats from the Obama admin are WHY the ship is sinking!!


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