Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Just how bored with life do you have to be?

ISIS Online Campaign Luring Western Girls to Jihad

By Jaime Dettmer, Aug. 6, 2014,

BEIRUT, Lebanon — The self-proclaimed Islamic State, formerly known by the acronym ISIS, is actively recruiting Western women and girls. And in the process this “caliphate” that now occupies large swathes of Syria and Iraq is showing, once again, that it’s almost as shrewd with social media as it is ruthless on the battlefield.

The tweets and blogs apparently are written by Western women married to jihadi warriors. They aim to persuade would-be “sisters” in Europe and the United States to travel to the Middle East to help this al-Qaeda spinoff build its extremist vision of an Islamic society.

Potential caliph-ettes (as one is tempted to call them) are told their main contribution to the Islamic revolution will be through matrimony, not martyrdom; child-bearing, not gun-toting. One blogger called “Bird of Jannah” purrs: “Women are not equal to men. It can never be. Men are the leaders & women are [so] special that Allah has given them entire chapter in the Qur’an.”

The propaganda usually eschews the gore and barbaric images often included in the general fare of jihadist online posts, such as the beheadings last month of dozens of Syrian army soldiers after a base was overrun in the northern Syrian province of Raqqa.

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1 comment:

  1. Maybe we should start a truth campaign about Muslims and Sharia Law. We should let them know that they are considered property and basically have no - zip - nada - rights under their law. Muslim men are into polygamy, and if women don't mind sharing a pig for a husband, then Islam is for you. They also perform Female Genital Mutilation. That might be an important fact to know. How can any woman with any sense even consider this as an option?


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