Friday, August 1, 2014

How to tips for terror

Hamas Issues ‘Terrorism 101 Handbook’

Terror manual discovered by IDF
By Adam Kredo, Aug, 1, 2014,

Hamas has been disseminating to its followers in the Gaza Strip a detailed terrorism training manual that teaches would-be bombers how to make explosives and conceal them in household items such as televisions, according to documents seized by the Israeli military during recent raids.

Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers discovered the handbook on the ground in the Gaza Strip as they conducted raids of homes and other facilities used by Hamas to plan its terror activities.

Hamas’ terrorism manuals instruct readers on how to build homemade explosive devices and how to set them to explode in unlikely places.

Hamas has even strapped explosives to donkeys and attempted to send them after Israeli soldiers.

The terror group’s goal is to encourage the citizens of Gaza to plant explosives in unlikely places in the hopes that Israeli military personnel set them off during routine raids in Gaza.

It is just another example of how Hamas utilizes unconventional warfare techniques and civilian cover to carry out attacks on Israelis. Hamas has already been caught using women and children as human shields and firing their rockets from hospitals and United Nations-owned schools.

The detailed manual, excerpts of which were published by the IDF this week, explicitly instructs readers to camouflage their explosives, with one diagram demonstrating “how to fill a television-shaped bomb with shrapnel,” according to the IDF.

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