Friday, August 22, 2014

GUEST COLUMNIST: Has U.S. Muslim Leadership Truly Condemned The Beheading Of James Foley?

James Wright Foley
Source:  BBC
By #Thxislam, Aug. 22, 2014

Google the words “imam condemns Foley beheading.”

The results are basically zero. Sure, some groups like CAIR halfheartedly mumble something, some sort of qualified rebuttal more than a condemnation. But other than a mufti in Bosnia and some imam in Australia (who didn't really condemn it, rather wrung his hands at the fact that it will generate bad publicity for Mohammedans), not a peep from imams, ayatollahs and Islamic prelates -- zip, nothing.

I understand why there's no condemnation from imams in Muslim countries. They don't want to lose their jobs and/or their heads, but in the U.S. not a word from some major mosque’s imam anywhere?

During the three years I lived in the greater Philly/New Jersey area, the number of mosques there went from a handful to hundreds. Ditto in Baltimore. And across the country.

Once again, if you filter out the Islamic advocacy groups, and occasional lone Muslim civilian who speaks out, there is not an imam anywhere saying anything remotely useful. How about a mosque imam in San Diego or Phoenix putting out a statement along the lines of “any Muslim who beheads a non-believer does not go to heaven”? Or, if that's too harsh for the flock, how about “Muslim beheaders will only get 27 virgins in the afterlife, so quit doing this stuff if you want all 72”?

It just drives me bonkers that people insist on distinguishing Islam from “radical Islam.” Hundreds of millions of Muslims worship “radical Islam.”

The only way to really be a non-radical Muslim is to not “practice” the doctrine.

The president says “the world” is appalled, but this must be a typo. While 75 percent of the world is somewhat appalled, 300 or 400 million Muslims are celebrating. And we have no idea what their one billion or so silent brothers think about the matter.

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1 comment:

  1. The militant Muslim wants to kill us. The moderate Muslim is content to let the militant Muslim kill us.


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