Monday, June 3, 2019

Robert Mueller Purposely Edited a Phone Call From Trump's Legal Team to Make It Seem Like Obstruction of Justice

By RedState, June 01, 2019

This is a pretty big deal.

The issues with Robert Mueller’s report are apparent, especially given his decision to overstep DOJ guidelines and smear those who he had no intention of charging. Part two of the report reads like a roadmap too impeachment, full of insinuations and scatter shot “evidence” that doesn’t actually add up to anything but more speculation.

Mueller’s inability to do his job smacked of political gamesmanship. He winked and nodded at Congress but didn’t have the fortitude to just recommend charges against Trump. There was no regulation stopping him from doing so and in the end, he failed to complete the one task his special counsel was appointed to do.
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  1. the biggest impact Russia has made on our elections is the FABRICATED TRUMP RUSSIA COLLUSION STORY ,aLL THE fAKE news From Lib Media Sources 24 Hrs a Day 7 Days a WEEK for almost 3 YEARS has persuaded more people to Vote in the MED TERMS and even possible this NEXT GEN ELECTION Than Any Russian Adds or Computer Hacks ... think about that

  2. Yes regulations prevented Mueller from recommending charges. Lack of evidence dictated that he not charge Trump.


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