Thursday, August 11, 2016

Ex-CIA Deputy Appointed by Obama, Lied and Whitewashed Benghazi Murders--He Now He Endorses Hillary

Commentary By Capt Joseph R. John, August 8, 2016

The Obama administration summarily removed General David Petraeus as Director of the CIA for doing  1/1000th of what Hillary did, when she transmitted 33,000 E-mails on an unclassified server, in violation of the National Security Act. 

General Petraeus knew too much about how Hillary turned down US Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, 12 direct and urgent request, personally to Hillary, desperately asking for additional security for the US Mission in Benghazi over a 5 ½  month period, which she turned down or ignored. 

Despite over 600 requests from multiple US Agencies and the US Military to increase additional security, Hillary turned down every request, dooming 4 Americans to their deaths in Benghazi.

The Occupant of the Oval Office completed the betrayal by refusing to authorize “Cross Border Authority” so a 130 man USMC Fast Team in Sigonella, Italy, 377 miles away (1 hr and 50 min away), and 2 fully armed F-16Cs on the tarmac in Aviano, Italy, 1044 miles away (2hrs and 30 min away) could be dispatched to save the lives of Americans under attack by over 125 Radical Islamic Terrorists in Benghazi for 13 hours.

The betrayal doomed the life of the US Ambassador to Libya, two Navy SEALs, and a Communications Specialist to be murdered----Mike Morell was an integral part of the Obama and Hillary Whitewash and cover up as follows:

On September 12, 2011, CIA Officer Hunter Stevens, the Libyan Embassy Station Chief in Tripoli, Libya, submitted his official report on the attack on the US Mission in Benghazi to his superiors in CIA Headquarters in Langley, VA.  Since General Petraeus had been summarily relieved by Obama, the report was delivered to Morrell, Obama’s newly appointed Acting CIA Director. Morell would ultimately disgrace himself, and betray 57 years of honorable service by the men and women of the CIA.

What every American should know, is that the CIA Station Chief’s Report is inviolate and “NO ONE” is authorized to change its content!!! The only duty for the CIA Station Chief is to report “facts” as they occur.

It is not the responsibility of the CIA to develop “talking points” for political hacks like Susan Rice who lie to 5 Networks about the premediated attack by Radical Islamic Terrorists.  In the continuing narrative, Morell compromised the good work of the CIA by developing talking point and altering the CIA Station Chief’s Report.

CIA Station Chief Hunter Stevens’ report stated: There was “No” demonstration in Benghazi in response to a U-Tube video.

Morrell made a massive edit to the CIA Station Chief’s Report, without authority and in violation of CIA Regulations, in order to make it fit the “UNTRUTHFUL” narrative that a U-Tube video was responsible for a demonstration that went bad. No one ever saw that U-Tube video anywhere in Libya.

Morrell changed the word  “Terrorist” in the CIA Station Chief’s report to “Demonstrators” throughout.

Morrell removed all references to “Al Q’ieda” from the CIA Station Chief’s Report.

Morrell removed the phrase from the CIA Station Chief’s Report: “Attackers were not an escalation of a demonstration.”

However, despite Morrell’s attempt to “illegally” sanitize the CIA Station’s Chief’s Report to fit Hillary’s and Obama’s narrative, it was considered unsuitable when they first saw Morell’s edits, and the doctored CIA Report was returned to Morrell for more edits, it could not be released to the press and public in its current doctored form.

Because the CIA Station Chief’s Report implied that the CIA had warned the State Department about an attack on the US Mission in Benghazi, the State Department--on Hillary's orders--had Morrell use his heavy hand to eliminate that information from the CIA Station Chief’s Report.

Morrell, then told Jake Sullivan, Hillary’s Chief of Staff at the State Department, he would be happy to develop appropriate “talking points” for release to support Hillary’s desired narrative.  He then proceeded to participate in developing the lies that Susan Rice delivered on 5 Sunday TV Network News broadcasts

Back at CIA Headquarters in Langley, Morrell not only discounted the CIA Station Chief’s Report, he also refused to consider the reports of 32 Americans employed by the CIA and the State Department who were on the ground and witnessed the Benghazi attack first hand.  Instead Mike Morrell relied on the advice of a CIA Analyst in a Washington, DC Office who wasn’t in Benghazi and didn’t witness the attack.

Powerful forces behind the scenes in the Obama administration had been muzzling the 32 witnesses who witnessed the attack.

When US Senators heard how Morell altered the CIA Station Chief’s Report, they summoned him to a Senate hearing.  Morell told the Senators, that the FBI made the above listed alterations to the CIA Station Chief’s Report.  Throughout his testimony to the Senators, Morell repeatedly perjured himself in his Congressional testimony, and should have been charged, convicted, and jailed.

Morrell refused to allow the CIA to do an Internal Investigation about the Benghazi attack on the US Mission. That is not only highly irregular, it is flagrant attempt to whitewash and cover-up what actually led up to the attack and occurred during the attack.

When the FBI was informed by US Senators that Morell accused them of altering the CIA Station Chief’s Report, the leaders at FBI Headquarters in Washington, DC were furious and confronted Morell.  Morrell quickly backed down, and admitted he made the illegal alterations to the CIA Station Chief’s Report.

Morrell is now being paid a lucrative salary at Beacon Global Strategies, LLC, working for Philippie Raines, who was the Senior Advisor to Hillary when she was sworn in as Secretary of State. Raines founded Beacon Global Strategies, LLC. They are the Clinton Gatekeepers.

Now the liberal media establishment is making press releases, proudly proclaiming that Morell, a liar and traitor, has endorsed Hillary. His endorsement is reported as if it is a badge of honor and that this endorsement somehow gives Hillary’s campaign credibility.  Those press releases this weekend confirm that Morell was involved--from the very beginning--in the whitewash and cover of the Battle of Benghazi from the very beginning.

Copyright 2016, Capt. Joseph R. John. All Rights Reserved. This material can only be posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without permission from the author

Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62
Capt USN (Ret)
Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC
2307 Fenton Parkway, Suite 107-184
San Diego, CA 92108
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