When Donald Trump started making noise about running for president, I knew next to nothing about him. Since I don’t watch television, I’m not sure whether I could even have identi ed him in a lineup. I knew only that he was a New York-based real-estate mogul and had a series of beautiful wives. So it was of great interest to me when the Friends of Abe (FOA) announced that the group’s next din- ner would have Donald Trump as the featured speaker.
At previous FOA events I had listened to Antonin Scalia, Rush Limbaugh, Joe Arpaio, and Ted Cruz, among others. Attendance is by membership only, and the events are not only not publicized but kept con dential. is is not be- cause FOA members are engaged in nefarious activities, but because they are conservatives who work in Holly- wood. Most fear that if their politics are revealed, they will be blacklisted. is goes for actors, writers, directors, pro- ducers, and others who are all too familiar with the le ist ideology and intolerance of dissenting opinions that per- vade the industry.
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