Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Could The G.O.P. Unite Behind Ben Carson To Defeat Donald Trump?

By John Cassidy, Sep 15, 2015 New Yorker

This is getting interesting. On Tuesday, the day before the second televised G.O.P. debate, a new poll, carried out for the New York Times and CBS News, showed Ben Carson, the former neurosurgeon, gaining strongly on Donald Trump among Republican voters. This is the latest in a series of surveys that has shown Carson moving up, but the previous surveys still had Trump ahead by double digits. In this one, Trump’s lead was down to just four points, which isn’t even statistically significant. Twenty-seven per cent of likely G.O.P. voters said that they would support Trump, and twenty-three per cent said that they would support Carson.

Yes, it is just one poll, and the usual caveats about sampling error and outliers apply. But this was the first national survey carried out since Trump made his offensive remarks about Carly Fiorina’s appearance, and it suggests that they may have damaged him and helped Carson. In stark contrast to Trump, Carson is unfailingly courteous, and he is very popular among Christian evangelicals.

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1 comment:

  1. I would hope that Carson has an opportunity to gain some ground and surpass Trump who I believe is distracting and all show. However I find politics to not always focus on the person with the best ideas and ability to lead...cough cough ( Larry Elder ) : ) and seem to be a popularity contest.


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