It’s not easy being House Speaker John Boehner. Just ask John Boehner.
“Listen, trying to manage 435 independently elected members is never easy,” Boehner, R-Ohio, said earlier this week.
There are once again rumblings within Republican ranks of the House of Representatives about ousting Boehner. He’s beset with internal squabbles over the Iran nuclear deal, Planned Parenthood defunding efforts and questions about strategy as federal funding runs out at the end of the month and the federal government faces a potential shutdown.
But for all the sound and fury it appears that Boehner will continue to wield the speaker’s gavel. Why? Because there is no viable alternative, several lawmakers and political observers contend.
“I think he’s in very strong shape,” said Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla., a Boehner ally. “He has no visible challenges that I know. The people that are upset with him have no alternative leader to propose.”
He needs to be out, out, out as speaker. We need someone who will speak for the citizens of the country not this man who is just interested in serving his own purposes.