Even When Announcing His Grave Illness Jimmy Carter Slams Israel
Despite writing about Jimmy Carter's hatred of Jews and Israel for over a decade, when I heard last week that Jimmy Carter's cancer had spread I felt bad for the man, his family, friends and prayed that he would be free of pain till the end. To be honest I began to agonize what I would write about when he died. Usually I ignore the deaths of dishonorable people, the two exceptions were Helen Thomas who I exposed as an anti-Semite which destroyed her career and John Murtha the late congressional king of pork who disgraced himself and the uniform he wore by making false charges against soldiers honorably serving in Afghanistan.
I pretty much decided I would keep silent. Especially when he started his press conference on Friday revealing that the horrible disease had spread to his brain. Well---that was until a reporter asked him what he would like to see happen before he died, and when he answered the former president slandered the Jewish State (see video below):
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