Thursday, September 11, 2014

Payback time in N'awlins

Hold Roger Goodell To Standard He Set For Saints--And Fire Him: Editorial

Rodger Godell
Credit:  AP/Seth Wenig
By Editorial Board, Sept. 10, 2014, / The Time Picayune

The NFL requires players to avoid "conduct detrimental to the integrity of and public confidence in the National Football League." The same standard should apply to Commissioner Roger Goodell.

And based on that standard, Mr. Goodell should be removed.

The commissioner not only botched the punishment of former Ravens running back Ray Rice for punching his then-fiancée in an Atlantic City casino elevator, but his claim that the league wasn't given a video of the assault now seems false.

The Associated Press reported Wednesday afternoon that a law enforcement official said he sent the video showing Mr. Rice knocking out fiancée Janay Palmer to an NFL executive five months ago. Mr. Goodell and the league office have insisted they didn't see the brutal punch until this week when TMZ released the video.

But the law enforcement official allowed The Associated Press to listen to an April 9 voicemail from an NFL office number that confirmed the video had been received. According to the AP report, a woman expresses thanks and says, "You're right. It's terrible."

When asked by AP about the voicemail Wednesday, league officials still said no one had seen the video before this week.

Hours after fans began sharing the video posted by TMZ Monday, the Ravens cut the All Pro running back and the NFL made his suspension indefinite.

It is impossible to believe no one at the NFL had seen the video before this week. The claim was already suspect before the AP's news report Wednesday afternoon. The league has vast resources and power, and it had been clear for months that Ms. Palmer -- who is now married to Mr. Rice -- had been knocked out in the elevator in February.

Read the full story:

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