Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Cameron may not survive

Battle Cry To Save Britain: 'No' Campaign In Chaos, Brown Leads Desperate Fightback

Source:  Daily Mail
By James Chapman, Sept. 8, 2014

Gordon Brown launched a passionate and last-ditch attempt to save the faltering Union last night.

In a dramatic return to frontline politics, the former prime minister issued a timetable for Scottish ‘home rule’ in the event of a No vote in next week’s referendum.

His intervention came as another poll confirmed surging support for independence and the pound took a beating on the currency markets. Billions of pounds were also wiped off the value of Scottish-based firms in what experts warn is a taste of things to come if the 300-year-old United Kingdom is broken up.

Mr Brown said his cross-party package of measures giving Scotland greater control over spending, welfare and taxation could be in place by the end of next month and in operation by the end of January.

Trying to revive the lacklustre Better Together campaign, he said: ‘The future that is being decided is for ten, 20, 50, 100 years ahead.

‘We are making a decision that is irreversible. I’m thinking about the children of Scotland and future generations of children. It’s more important than one voting decision in an election.’

Amid growing panic in the No camp:

- Cabinet ministers warned privately that David Cameron’s future will be ‘very difficult’ if Scotland votes for independence next week;

- The Prime Minister told MPs that several Nato partners had used last week’s summit in Wales to raise concerns about the independence referendum;

- Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman warned Scots that the ‘risks of going it alone are huge’;

- Prince William gave a hint of royal unease, urging people to focus on ‘big domestic news’ rather than the announcement that he and the Duchess of Cambridge are expecting a second child.

After a weekend poll showed the Yes camp moving ahead for the first time, another survey today confirms a late increase in support for independence. It is now backed by 41 per cent among those certain to vote, level with the No camp on 41 per cent.

Read the full story:  www.dailymail.co.uk

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