Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Taking the "idiot" out of idiot proof!

Driverless vehicles? Even In D.C. streets?

Driverless BMW
Source:  www.drive.com.au
By Ashley Halsey lll, Aug. 25, 2014, Washingtonpost.com

Driverless cars are coming. And those of us who drive in Washington know that the city offers its own particular version of driver hell. What we don’t know is what will happen when the autocar finds itself in that hell. So we set out on a summer afternoon to see how a driverless car could do on the streets of the nation’s capital.

The little car is tootling around Washington — pretty much on its own — when a police officer bolts into the road ahead of it, almost within spitting distance of the Capitol dome.

What is the cop waving about? Hard to say. The car is being driven by computers, and wild waving is a bit too complicated for them to understand.

Passenger Jarrod Snider taps a button on the center console and puts his hands on the steering wheel.

“Autonomous ready,” the voice of the computer says a fraction of a second later, eager to take control again.

Swing a stick on the Mall this summer and you’ll hit a dozen skeptics who doubt that the streets of Washington — or any city — will ever be filled with cars that drive themselves. But the doubters may well witness that transformation in their lifetimes, and very likely sooner than they think.

The ability of the vehicle cruising unnoticed among the tourists and important people in pinstripes on Capitol Hill would shock most of them. A ride in it also points to a few chinks in its armor.

Read the full story:  www.washingtonpost.com

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1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a dream come true for the cowardly Muslim extremist


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