Friday, August 15, 2014

LATimes calls KO game a "myth"

72-Year-Old Bleeding From Brain After Village ‘Knockout’ Attack

Knockout Game victim Donald Lathrom
Georgett Roberts, Larry Celona and Natasha Velez, Aug. 12, 2014,

A 72-year-old cancer survivor was left with bleeding on the brain when he was knocked out in broad daylight on a West Village street, law enforcement sources and the victim said on Tuesday.

Retired cabbie Donald Lathrom was listening to his iPod while walking to his home from a local deli around 5:30 p.m. when a punk standing on the sidewalk near the corner of Jane Street near West Street smashed him in the face.

The sickening attack was caught on surveillance video, which shows a stunned Lathrom tumbling into a doorway and hitting the sidewalk before the suspect bolts across the street, where a friend was waiting, cops said.

Lathrom, who is in remission from lung cancer, was rushed to Beth Israel Hospital with bleeding on the brain and was listed in stable condition.

In an interview from his hospital bed Lathrom told The Post he doesn’t really remember the attack, which left him “stunned” and “confused.”

“I just remembered saying ‘What happened?’” he recalled saying when a doorman rushed to his aide.

“I didn’t even know that I had been punched until he explained it to me.”

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