Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Dangerous, sad combination

Robin Williams: Severe Money Problems, Depression, Career Concerns

Robin Williams, July 21, possibly the last picture
taken of Williams.
Michael Zennie, Heidi Parker and Sam Webb, Aug. 12, 2014,

Robin Williams hanged himself with a belt Sunday night while his wife slept in a nearby bedroom, it has been revealed.

The 63-year-old Williams was last seen alive about 10.30pm on Sunday by his third wife Susan Schneider when she went to bed. Williams locked himself in a different bedroom, Marin County Sheriff's Lieutenant Keith Boyd said this afternoon.

By the time an assistant found the Oscar-winning actor's body at 11.55am on Monday, rigor mortis had set in. It normally takes 12 to 18 hours for a body to stiffen after death.

After going to bed Sunday night, Susan got up and left the house to run errands about 10.30am - believing her husband of three years was still asleep.

An assistant, worried when Williams couldn't be roused at 11.45am, broke into the bedroom. Williams was found clothed, in a seated position with a belt around his neck.

He had several superficial cuts on the inside of his left wrist. A pocket knife with what appeared to be dried blood was discovered nearby.

Read the full story:

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