Saturday, July 26, 2014

Sage Advice: Drop The Anger -- Hard Work Wins

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  1. I told Larry Elder that I hope my son, Harmon, grows up to be the man that he is today. My son is 18 months old & ½ Kenyan. That statement has a lot of meaning. After reading "Dear Father, Dear Son," I told Larry that I see a lot of his father in him. He told me that at one time, about 15 years ago, he would have resented such a comment. I recommend the book, DFDS, highly-- one of the best books you'll ever read.

    There is so little Larry & I disagree on that it's pointless to even bring it up. I could never understand callers to his show who make statements like, "I NEVER agree with you, BUT..." When The Sage calls them on it, they almost always dodge the question. Our country is the USE-- United States of Entitlements. People invade our borders because they know that by doing so, they've won the jackpot.

    Black people grow up thinking that all they have to look forward to is welfare, basketball, or jail. Whenever I'm asked whom I most admire, I always say that it is Larry Elder. What are the odds of a Black kid from S. Central L.A. growing up & becoming a nationally famous CONSERVATIVE talk show host? And he even went to PUBLIC SCHOOL! On top of that, he came from a very abusive childhood. And just how does a man like Larry Elder get treated by his own people for being successful? He's called an Uncle Tom so much you'd think it was his name. If President Obama REALLY wants to do inspirational for Black Americans, he'd honor Larry Elder with a Lifetime Achievement Award. Don't bother holding your breath, 'cause it ain't gonna happen!

    Thank you, Larry Elder, for posting this. As I always say, Life Ain't Kind.

  2. I'm Black. I didn't grow up looking forward to welfare, basketball, or jail. By 7th grade and in public school I knew I was college bound in spite of parents with only 6th and 8th grade educations. There are millions of Blacks like me. We comprise approximately 22 percent of Black Americans. You either have a limited view of Black people or have limited interactions with Black people to make such a misinformed statement. Larry Elder does indeed provide a needed and valuable service to the broader American community by embodying the positive diversity of the so called Black community. He is hardly alone. It is troublesome to acknowledge how much he represents an alternative view of Blacks, at least in the eyes of this one commenter, when he truly does not.


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