Friday, September 12, 2014

How long before someone cries "racism"

Nets Say They're Cutting Back On Rice Video

Ray Rice knocks his then fiancé Janay Palmer to the
ground in a Las Vegas casino elevato
By David Bauder, Sept. 11, 2014,

NEW YORK (AP) -- At least six television networks said Thursday they plan to stop or minimize airings of video showing Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice striking his then-fiancee and knocking her unconscious, footage that has called into question how the NFL disciplines players involved in domestic violence.

The move comes after the video from a casino elevator showing Janay Palmer crumpling to the floor after a punch has already been seen many times on TV since TMZ released it Monday: During the 7 a.m. EDT news hour on Tuesday, the video clip aired 37 times on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox News Channel and MSNBC, according to a count by Media Matters for America. In addition, the networks aired an old video showing Palmer outside of the elevator nine times, the group said.

Media Matters did not have a count on how many times the clip was aired on sports networks.

ESPN, CNN, ABC, NBC, Fox News Channel and Fox Sports all said Thursday they would no longer show the video unless there are compelling news reasons to bring it back.

"The video has been seen enough for viewers to clearly know what happened, and make their own judgments about what should happen next," said Michael Clemente, executive vice president at Fox News. "Our judgment is that continuing to show it is simply overdoing it for shock value, and not for journalistic reasons."

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