Monday, August 11, 2014

"[No] signs that Ebola virus has spread [but] it is very concerning..."

Experts: Ebola Could Cross Unsecured Border

Credit:  Reuters
By Matthew Boyle, Aug. 8, 2014,

Ebola could break into the United States through the unsecured U.S. border with Mexico, experts say.

“While we've seen no signs that Ebola virus has spread to our borders, it is very concerning,” Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX) told Breitbart News. “The border has still not been secured, and the President continues to wave the sign that our borders are open. There is no telling what might eventually make its way into the heartland, which should be concerning to all.”

Weber is a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights and International Organizations. That panel held a special hearing Thursday to examine the potential threat to the U.S. the African Ebola outbreak presents. During the hearing, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) director Tom Frieden downplayed the possibility Ebola could break into the U.S. via the Mexican border but did say that it is “inevitable” the U.S. would see some cases of the deadly virus though there wouldn’t be a massive outbreak.

“It is certainly possible that we could have ill people in the US who develop Ebola after having been exposed elsewhere," Frieden testified. “But we are confident that there will not be a large Ebola outbreak in the US.”

However, a senate aide told Breitbart News Friday that Congress is monitoring the border for a potential Ebola outbreak. “Committee staff are in regular contact with CDC, [Customs and Border Protection], and other agencies to monitor the Ebola virus outbreak in Western Africa,” the Senate aide said. “Our porous southern border remains a major concern.”

Dr. Jane Orient, the executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, said Americans should be concerned about this.

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