Monday, July 21, 2014

With A Human Touch (Video) --How big's the market?

JIBO--The World's First Family Robot

By Evan Selinger, Jul. 17, 2014,

Although Jibo, designed by MIT professor Cynthia Breazeal to be the “world’s first family robot,” isn’t set to ship until 2015, folks are already excited about this little bot with a “big personality.” While there’s much to be said for Breazeal’s vision of “humanizing technology” so that the smart home of the future doesn’t “feel cold and computerized,” we might want to pause a bit before rushing to build the type of world depicted in the movie Her. Although it is easy to imagine we’ll be better off when we’ve got less to do, we don’t actually know the existential and social implications of outsourcingever-more intimate tasks to technology.

Jibo may be the “closest thing to a real life teleportation device,” but as a prototype it currently has limited functionality. It can “take photos or video, track movements for more dynamic video filming, perform stories for children, give verbal reminders, and generally hang out.” Of course, these services are only the tip of the iceberg. As Katie Couric notes, “Breazeal sees Jibo, along with other social robots she’s developed, as playing a big role in educating children and health care management and aiding the elderly.”

Read the full story:

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